
Текст песне : Dark Sanctuary. La Rencontre Fatale.

[Music by Arkdae, Lyrics by Sombre Cyr]

Face a moi
Se tenait un ange...
Son regard hostile
Semblait me hair...

Son corps, sculpte dans la penombre
Etait plus pale encore
Que les tenebres qui l'entouraient...

Aucun ?il humain
N'aurait pu excaver
L'obscurite profonde
De cet Abime...

Seule une ame
Est de taille a survivre
Dans un endroit
Tant rempli de souffrances...

L'ange me fixait
Et semblait vouloir boire
A la source de mon ame
Pourtant si anhydre...

Puis sans un geste
Sans declaration, aucune...
Il se retourna
Et s'enfonca dans la penombre...

M'humiliant par son mepris...

Voulait-il tester ma force,
Ma volonte d'avoir choisi ce cote du miroir ?
Je savais pourtant que jamais
je ne le reverrai...

Je restais sans reponse
Sans doute pour l'eternite...


[The Fatal Meeting]

[Music by Arkdae, Lyrics by Sombre Cyr]

Before me
Stood an angel...
Its hostile eye-look
Seemed to hate me...

Its body, shaped in penumbra,
Was even paler
Than the darkness surrounding it...

No human eye
Could have dug
The deep darkness
Of this abyss...

Only a soul
Is able to survive
In a place
Filled with so much pain...

The angel was staring at me
And seemed to want to drink
From the source of my soul,
Yet so acid...

Then without any movement
Without any word...
It turned its back from me
And disappeared in darkness...

Humiliating me by its scorn...

Did it want to test my strength,
My will for choosing this side of the mirror ?
Yet I knew that I would
Never see it again...

I remained without answer,
Perhaps for eternity...

[Translated from french by Aries]
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