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This Land Was Made for You and Me.


Ово земљиште је направљен за вас и за мене.


This Land Was Made for You and Me. The Life and Songs of Woody Guthrie. Composed by Elizabeth Partridge. Artist. Personality. Book. Reference Textbooks. Textbook - General. Folk. Published by Alfred Music. AP.74-0670035359. ISBN 0670035351. Folk. Before Springsteen and before Dylan, there was Woody Guthrie. With "This Machine Kills Fascists" scrawled across his guitar in big black letters, Woody Guthrie brilliantly captured in song the experience of twentieth-century America. Whether he sang about union organizers, migrant workers, or war, Woody took his inspiration from the plight of the people around him as well as from his own tragic childhood. From the late 1920s to the 1950s, Guthrie wrote the words to more than three thousand songs, including "This Land Is Your Land," a song many call America's unofficial national anthem. With a remarkable ability to turn any experience into a song almost instantaneously, Woody Guthrie spoke out for people of all colors and races, setting an example for generations of musicians to come. But Woody didn't have the chance to find everything he was looking for. He was ravaged by Huntington's disease, just like his mother, and died in a mental institution at the age of fifty-five.


Ово земљиште је направљен за вас и за мене. Живот и песме од Вооди Гутхрие. Composed by Elizabeth Partridge. Уметник. Личност. Књига. Референце Уџбеници. Уџбеник - Опште. Народни. Издаје Алфред Мусиц. АП.74-0670035359. ИСБН 0670035351. Народни. Пре Спрингстеен и пре Дилан, било Вооди Гутхрие. Са "Ова машина всех убијств фашисти" су исписали преко његове гитаре у великим црним словима, Вооди Гутхрие бриљантно заробљени у песми искуство двадесетог века Америци. Да ли је он певао о организаторима синдикалних, радника миграната, или рата, Вуди узео инспирацију из страдањима људи око њега, као и од свог детињства трагичне. Од касних 1920-их до 1950-их, Гатри писао речи на више од три хиљаде песама, укључујући "Ово земљиште је твоја земља," песму многи зову америчку незваничну химну. Са изузетном способношћу да претвори било који искуство у песми готово тренутно, Вуди Гатри проговорио за људе свих боја и раса, дајемо пример за генерације музичара које долазе. Али Вуди нису имали прилику да пронађу све што је тражио. He was ravaged by Huntington's disease, just like his mother, and died in a mental institution at the age of fifty-five.