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When Earth Received Her King. Marty Parks. Choir sheet music.


Када Земља добила је Кинг. Марти паркови. Хор партитион.


When Earth Received Her King. A Christmas Musical for Senior Adult Choir. Composed by Marty Parks. Choir Sacred. SATB choir. Book. Choral Worship Musical. Church Musicals. Worship Resources. Christmas. Sacred. Winter. Published by Alfred Music. AP.31-9502170. God's people had long awaited a King. Scriptures prophesied of His coming, and with great desire and longing His people waited. To some, when He finally came, the simplicity of His birth seemed to contradict the magnitude of His purpose. Born in a humble stable. "Born a Child and yet a King". Prophecy foretold it. "Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. " Thus was the stage set for the day when Earth received her King. Veteran arranger and respected leader in the field of contemporary evangelical church music, Marty Parks once again lends his pen and arranging expertise to bring us his latest Senior Adult Choir Musical for Christmas, When Earth Received Her King. Hallmarks of his distinctive arranging style include thoughtful, Biblically-inspired songs and narration. accessible, easy-to-sing vocals. and inspiring orchestrations, all composed with that special blend of Marty Parks wit, spirit, wisdom, and musical sensibility, purposed by His love for the Church, its music, and his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When Earth Received Her Kingfeatures new songs written by Marty Parks, a nostalgic song by his father, the late Joe E. Parks, along with favorite carols and select songs of the season, all designed to bring praise to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Crafted especially for Senior Adult Choir, the choral book features large print and no repeats, offering your Senior Adult Choir the perfect resource with which to celebrate the Christmas season and proclaim the birth of our King.


Када Земља добила је Кинг. Божић Музичка за виши одраслих хора. Састављен од Марти Паркс. Хор Свети. САТБ хор. Књига. Хорска Обожавање Музички. Црква Мјузикли. Ворсхип ресурси. Божић. Свети. Зима. Издаје Алфред Мусиц. AP.31-9502170. God's people had long awaited a King. Scriptures prophesied of His coming, and with great desire and longing His people waited. To some, when He finally came, the simplicity of His birth seemed to contradict the magnitude of His purpose. Born in a humble stable. "Born a Child and yet a King". Prophecy foretold it. "Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. And the government will be upon His shoulder. И Његово име ће бити Дивни, Саветник, Бог силни, Отац вечни, Кнез мира. " Thus was the stage set for the day when Earth received her King. Ветеран аранжер и поштован лидер у области савремене музике евангелистичка црква, Марти Паркс поново позајмљује своју оловку и аранжирање стручност да нам донесе своју најновију Виши одраслих хор Музичка за Божић, када Земља добила је Кинг. Обележја својим препознатљивим стилом аранжирање укључују мислећих и библијски-инспирисане песме и нарацију. доступна, лак за синг вокале. и инспиративне оркестрација, све компоновао са тим посебним спојем Марти Паркс Наиме, духа, мудрости и музички сензибилитет, сврхом Његовом љубављу према Цркви, њеном музиком, и његов Господа и Спаситеља, Исуса Христа. When Earth Received Her Kingfeatures new songs written by Marty Parks, a nostalgic song by his father, the late Joe E. Parks, along with favorite carols and select songs of the season, all designed to bring praise to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Crafted especially for Senior Adult Choir, the choral book features large print and no repeats, offering your Senior Adult Choir the perfect resource with which to celebrate the Christmas season and proclaim the birth of our King.