Нотна свеска
Munier, Carlo. Scuola del Mandolino. Munier, Carlo. Mandolin.
Муниер, Карло. Scuola del Mandolino. Муниер, Карло. Мандолина.
Part 1. Preface. Rules and Observations. Part 1. I. Elementary Exercises. Part 1. II. Development of the Tremolo and Staccato. Part 1. III. 18 Special Staccato Exercises. Part 1. IV. Marks for the Expression. Perfecting Studies. Part 2. Complete Book.
Part 1. Предговор. Rules and Observations. Part 1. I. Elementary Exercises. Part 1. II. Development of the Tremolo and Staccato. Part 1. III. 18 Special Staccato Exercises. Part 1. IV. Marks for the Expression. Perfecting Studies. Part 2. Комплетна књига.