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Rebecca Berkley. Paul Terry. AS Music Literacy Workbook. Book.


Ребека Берклеи. Павле Тери. КАО Воркбоок Мусиц писмености. Књига.


Supporting Material. Answers to all of the exercises in the workbook can be downloaded here. Exam boards. Edexcel, AQA, OCR, WJEC. The AS Music Literacy Workbook will develop students’ notational skills to the level necessary to succeed in the exam. This workbook explains the notation of a wide variety of instrumental techniques, and includes a whole chapter devoted to score reading. Students will be able to read and understand any classical, jazz, pop or guitar scores they might come across during their AS studies and beyond. The workbook emphasises learning by doing. It includes numerous scorereading exercises based on jazz and classical music, which encourage students to cross-reference their knowledge. The workbook builds towards a series of exercises and model answers, allowing students to check their work. This workbook is tailor made for anyone wanting to develop a grounding in music theory to AS level, but is also a refreshing new resource for candidates preparing for higher grade exams in music theory, BTEC National and Scottish Higher Grade Music. Rebecca Berkley is a freelance writer and musician, and is a music education consultant. She has taught percussion to students of all ages, both as a private teacher and as a workshop leader, and published percussion music. She is also a choral conductor, running several choirs and directing music festivals with her husband. After starting her career as a music teacher in secondary schools, she became a lecturer in music education at the University of Southampton and the Institute of Education, University of London. Her PhD thesis focused on how GCSE students learn to compose, and how best to teach them. She is the co-author of Rhinegold’s Edexcel GCSE Music Listening Tests. Book 3. and contributes as a freelance writer to Classroom Music Magazine.


Материјала за подршку. Answers to all of the exercises in the workbook can be downloaded here. Испитни одбори. Edexcel, AQA, OCR, WJEC. The AS Music Literacy Workbook will develop students’ notational skills to the level necessary to succeed in the exam. This workbook explains the notation of a wide variety of instrumental techniques, and includes a whole chapter devoted to score reading. Students will be able to read and understand any classical, jazz, pop or guitar scores they might come across during their AS studies and beyond. The workbook emphasises learning by doing. It includes numerous scorereading exercises based on jazz and classical music, which encourage students to cross-reference their knowledge. The workbook builds towards a series of exercises and model answers, allowing students to check their work. This workbook is tailor made for anyone wanting to develop a grounding in music theory to AS level, but is also a refreshing new resource for candidates preparing for higher grade exams in music theory, BTEC National and Scottish Higher Grade Music. Ребека Берклеи је слободни писац и музичар, па је едукација консултант музика. Она је научила удараљке студентима свих узраста, и као приватни учитељ и као водитеља радионице, а објављена удараљки музику. Она такође је хорско диригент, трчање неколико хорова и усмеравање музичке фестивале са својим мужем. Након покретања своју каријеру као наставник музике у средњим школама, она је постала предавач у музичком образовању на Универзитету у Саутемптону и Института за образовање, Универзитет у Лондону. Њена докторска дисертација фокусиран на то како ГЦСЕ ученици уче да компонује, и како најбоље да их научи. Она је коаутор Едекцел ГЦСЕ слушање музике Тестс Рхинеголд је. Књига 3. и доприноси као слободни писац у учионици Мусиц Магазине.
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