
Нотна свеска $16.58


Sheila Wilson. jesus@bethlehemstable. com. CD. CD. Voice. VCE. Sheila Wilson.


Схеила Вилсон. јесус @ бетхлехемстабле. цом. ЦД. ЦД. Глас. ВЦЕ. Схеила Вилсон.


This fun new Christmas musical from Sheila Wilson tells the traditional Biblical Nativity story, while mixing in vocabulary and jokes that children. and maybe their IT specialists. will enjoy. A ‘satnav’ system, mobile phones and an internet connection would really have helped our cast, but never mind – there’s a special star in the sky, a stable in reserve, and the Wise Men have already got their gifts. The message of the Nativity remains one of peace and hope, and joy in abundance. This CD contains full versions of all the songs, as well as specially recorded backing tracks that you can use in your rehearsal and performance. For Key Stages 1 and 2.


Ова забавна нова Божић музичко од Схеила Вилсон говори традиционални Библијска Нативити Стори, док мешање у вокабулару и вицеви да децу. и можда њихови ИТ стручњаци. ће уживати. 'Сатнав' систем, мобилни телефони и интернет веза би стварно помогло нашу цаст, али нема везе - има посебан звезда на небу, стабилан у резерви, а мудраце већ добили своје поклоне. Порука Родјења остаје један од мира и наде и радости у изобиљу. This CD contains full versions of all the songs, as well as specially recorded backing tracks that you can use in your rehearsal and performance. За кључне фазе 1 и 2.
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