
Нотна свеска $31.49


TrackPak. R&B. Sheet Music, DVD-Rom. All Instruments. ALL INST.


ТрацкПак. А. Ноти, ДВД-Ром. Сви инструменти. СВЕ ИНСТ.


Apple 's popular GarageBand software gives the musician the power and flexibility to make their own music happen - and the TrackPak series from Hal Leonard provides the tracks for the songs, no matter what instrument you play. Each TrackPak package includes. DVD-ROM with 12 hit songs, edited, mixed and ready to drop into GarageBand. Book with transcriptions in standard notation and guitar tablature, as well as lyrics for reference Complete songs plus individual loops, beats, grooves and riffs for all of the instruments Fantastic sounding recordings. The R&B edition features songs by such artists as The Temptations, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, and Aretha Franklin. with best-loved hits including I Got You. I Feel Good. , Respect and Soul Man.


Апплеов популаран ГарагеБанд софтвер даје музичар моћ и флексибилност да направи сопствени музика десити - и ТрацкПак серију из Хал Леонард пружа трагове за песме, без обзира на све инструмента играте. Сваки ТрацкПак пакет укључује. ДВД-РОМ са 12 хит песама, едитед, мешају и спреман да одустане у ГарагеБанд. Књига са транскрипција у стандардном запису и Гуитар Таблатуре, као и текстове за референтне Комплетна песама плус појединачних петље, ритмове, грув и рифове за све инструменте Фантастиц звуче снимака. The R&B edition features songs by such artists as The Temptations, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, and Aretha Franklin. with best-loved hits including I Got You. И Феел Гоод. , Respect and Soul Man.
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