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Line 6. Spider IV 120 Watt Combo Amplifier. Accessory.


Лине 6. Spider IV 120 Watt Combo Amplifier. Саучесник.


Spider IV guitar amps redefine what is sonically possible from modeling amplifiers. Inspired by the features that made Spider III 120 the best-selling 2x10 combo amp in the country, Spider IV 120 boasts the most advanced Line 6 amp modeling to date, over 500 presets and a truly evolved playing experience. Inspired by the features that made Spider III the #1-selling guitar amp line in the country. , Spider IV 120 delivers an even more complete set of modern and vintage amp tones and Smart FX. Spinning the amp model knob on the slick faceplate is like browsing through a museum of the most revered guitar tones of all time. Explore all 16 amp models, pour on the celebrated effects and crank them through the pair of 10-inch Celestion Custom speakers like you own the place. Plus, at your fingertips are over 300 presets hand-crafted for Spider IV by 50 top rock stars and bands, almost 200 presets that give you timeless tones that span generations, and up to 64 presets of your own creation. A Million Guitarists Chose to Play Spider Amplifiers. Over a million Spider amplifiers are now stacked up on arena stages, fired up in recording studio iso booths and cranked up in bedrooms around the world. Why. Because guitarists know that inside every Spider amp are the legendary Line 6 amp models, effects and flexibility they trust. In fact, since 2007 more people have purchased Line 6 Spider amps than any other type of guitar amplifier. Based on MI SalesTrak 2007-2010 reports. Each Spider IV amp features advanced amp models based on famous modern and vintage gear, huge helpings of effects, and presets that were either inspired by artists or dialed in by the artists themselves. Join the legions of loyal Spider fans who – as you read this – are plugged into their Spider amps and playing with bestselling tones and effects.


Spider IV guitar amps redefine what is sonically possible from modeling amplifiers. Inspired by the features that made Spider III 120 the best-selling 2x10 combo amp in the country, Spider IV 120 boasts the most advanced Line 6 amp modeling to date, over 500 presets and a truly evolved playing experience. Инспирисан карактеристикама које су направиле Спидер ИИИ тхе # 1-продајну гитара амп линију у земљи. , Spider IV 120 delivers an even more complete set of modern and vintage amp tones and Smart FX. Spinning the amp model knob on the slick faceplate is like browsing through a museum of the most revered guitar tones of all time. Explore all 16 amp models, pour on the celebrated effects and crank them through the pair of 10-inch Celestion Custom speakers like you own the place. Плус, на дохват руке преко 300 пресета, ручни за Спидер ИВ по 50 врхунских рок звезда и бендова, скоро 200 Пресетс који вам дају вечних тонове која обухватају генерације, и до 64 пресетс твог сопственог стварања. А Миллион Гитаристи изабрао да игра Спидер Појачала. Преко милион Спидер појачала су сада нагомилане на арени фазама, испалио је у студију исо кабинама и савијени у спаваће собе широм света. Зашто. Јер гитаристи знају да у свакој Спидер амп су легендарни Линија 6 амп моделс, ефекти и флексибилност Верују. У ствари, од 2007. године више људи купили Лине 6 Спидер појачала него било које друге врсте гитара појачало. На основу МИ СалесТрак 2007-2010 извештаје. Сваки Спидер ИВ амп собе напредне амп моделе засноване на чувеном модерне и берба Геар, огромне порције ефеката и меморијских које су или инспирисане уметника или позване у сами уметници. Придружите легије верних фанова који Спидер - док ово читате - су укључени у њихове Спидер појачала и играју са бестселер тонова и ефеката.