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Peter Maxwell Davies. A Dream of Snow. Sheet Music. Soprano, 2 Alto. SSAA. Peter Maxwell Davies.
Питер Максвел Дејвис. A Dream of Snow. Схеет Мусиц. Soprano, 2 Alto. ССАА. Питер Максвел Дејвис.
A Choral Suite for Two Part. Soprano and Alto. Children's Chorus setting the text of George Mackay Brown. This enchanting 12-minute cycle is typical of the subtle and delicate way Maxwell-Davies approaches writing for children. straightforward, tender, affectionate, yet with just a hint of the complexity found in challenging 'adult' works like the cycle Westerlings. George Mackay Brown's poetry with its haiku-like short stanzas and pointilliste allusive imagery leaves you constantly intrigued. who is the boy 'lost on the hill till sundown', and why is time 'a bird with white wings. ' Is this perhaps the poet himself playing a bit of holiday truant.
A Choral Suite for Two Part. Сопран и Алто. Children's Chorus setting the text of George Mackay Brown. This enchanting 12-minute cycle is typical of the subtle and delicate way Maxwell-Davies approaches writing for children. straightforward, tender, affectionate, yet with just a hint of the complexity found in challenging 'adult' works like the cycle Westerlings. George Mackay Brown's poetry with its haiku-like short stanzas and pointilliste allusive imagery leaves you constantly intrigued. who is the boy 'lost on the hill till sundown', and why is time 'a bird with white wings. ' Is this perhaps the poet himself playing a bit of holiday truant.