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John W. Duarte. Guitar Fingerboard Teacher Primer. Sheet Music. Guitar. GTR.


Јохн В. Дуарте. Гитара Фингербоард Учитељ буквар. Схеет Мусиц. Гитара. ГТР.


It is ironic that the creator of this uncompromising book for Guitarists was himself almost entirely self-taught. Duarte originally earned a degree in chemistry and worked as an industrial chemist for year before abandoning that life to devote himself to music. His life as a Guitarist, composer, teacher and writer was long and fulfilling. He composed 150 works, mainly for Guitar, ranging widely over many styles, including various national styles. It is typical of Duarte’s style that the Table of Contents has been renamed the Plan of Campaign. It is also typical of his vivacious style that, in the Foreword, he says, ‘The fingerboard is shown in interlinking areas that may be learned separately – divide and rule.


Иронично је да је креатор ове бескомпромисне књиге за себе гитариста био готово потпуно самоук. Дуарте првобитно стекао диплому из хемије и радио као индустријски хемичар за годину пред напуштање тај живот да се посвети музици. Његов живот као гитариста, композитор, педагог и писац је био дуг и испуњавању. Компоновао 150 радова, углавном за гитару, у распону широко преко многе стилове, укључујући разне националног стила. It is typical of Duarte’s style that the Table of Contents has been renamed the Plan of Campaign. It is also typical of his vivacious style that, in the Foreword, he says, ‘The fingerboard is shown in interlinking areas that may be learned separately – divide and rule.
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