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Jeremy Jouve - 2003 Winner of the International GFA Competition. DVD. Region 0. Guitar. GTR.


Џереми Јоуве - 2003 Победник Међународног ГФА Цомпетитион. ДВД. Регион 0. Гитара. ГТР.


This Mel Bay DVD, featuring 2003 GFA winner Jeremy Jouve, was recorded live in September 2009 at Eybens, a small town not far from the capital of the French Alps, Grenoble, where Jeremy was born. Over the past few years Jeremy's concert program has become oriented towards 20th century European music. With this particular concert Jeremy has endeavored to illustrate his interest in this music by performing works from four European composers of different nationalities. The first composer, Joaquin Rodrigo, is famous the world over for his solo guitar works. Seldom performed, they are little-known but deserve to be presented to a wider audience. For some time now Jeremy has included in his repertory Rodrigo's music in homage to the rich and diverse Spanish culture. The Sonata – Ommaggio a Boccherini, fruit of the prolific collaboration that took place at the turn of the 20th century between the Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco and Andrès Segovia, is performed here in the recently re-edited version which is much closer to the original manuscript. In the 2nd part of the concert the inspiration changes with a work by Benjamin Britten, Nocturnal after John Dowland. The composer was a close friend of Julian Bream and here he offers a truly great musical masterpiece. A true psychodrama, he takes us through the various emotions encountered while sleeping, exaltation with a Passacaglia leading to and finishing on John Dowland’s inspirational theme as dawn finally brings the reassuring light of day. Jouve concludes the recital with the Jazz Sonata by the composer Dusan Bogdanovic, who, with great spirit, explores the musical horizons of Jazz and music from his native Balkans. Finally, an allusion to France with one of my Jouve's native country’s greatest popular singers of the 20th century, Edith Piaf and her L ‘Hymne à l’Amour, with, as a bonus, Erik Satie’s first Gnossienne, both arranged by Roland Dyens.


Ово Мел Баи ДВД, феатуринг 2003 ГФА победника Јереми ЈОУВЕ, је уживо снимљен у септембру 2009. године у Еибенс, малом граду недалеко од главног града француских Алпа, Гренобл, где је рођен Џереми. Током протеклих неколико година Концертни програм Јереми је прерасла европске музике 20. века. Са овом конкретном концерту Џереми настоји да илуструје свој интерес у овом музику извођења радова из четири европске композитора различитих националности. Први композитор, Хоакин Родриго, је познат широм света по својим соло гитару радова. Ретко врши, они су мало познати, али заслужују да буду представљени широј публици. Вец неко време Џереми је укључен у његовом репертоару музику Родриго је у омаж на богатог и разноврсног шпанске културе. The Sonata – Ommaggio a Boccherini, fruit of the prolific collaboration that took place at the turn of the 20th century between the Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco and Andrès Segovia, is performed here in the recently re-edited version which is much closer to the original manuscript. У 2. делу концерта инспирација мења са радом Бењамин Бриттен, Ноцтурнал после Јохн Довланд. Композитор је био близак пријатељ Јулиан Бреам и ево га нуди заиста велики музички ремек. A true psychodrama, he takes us through the various emotions encountered while sleeping, exaltation with a Passacaglia leading to and finishing on John Dowland’s inspirational theme as dawn finally brings the reassuring light of day. Јоуве закључује рецитал са Јазз Соната композитор Душан Богдановић, који, са великом духом, истражује музичке хоризонте јазз и музике из родног Балкана. Finally, an allusion to France with one of my Jouve's native country’s greatest popular singers of the 20th century, Edith Piaf and her L ‘Hymne à l’Amour, with, as a bonus, Erik Satie’s first Gnossienne, both arranged by Roland Dyens.