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Helen Marlais. Succeeding At The Piano - Grade 2A Theory And Activity Book. Sheet Music. Piano. PF.


Хелен Марлаис. Succeeding At The Piano - Grade 2A Theory And Activity Book. Схеет Мусиц. План. ПФ.


The Theory And Activity Book reinforces the concepts taught in the Lesson and Technique Book Grade 2A with creative and diverse activities such as writing, playing, ear training, and special "Time to Compose. Reading is reinforced by traditional as well as intervallic reading exercises, and students continue to develop their musicianship by transposing, ear training, playing by ear, and rhythm activities that teach students how to internalize rhythm. These activities engage and motivate students with supportive, pedagogically sound material that promote further development of a well-rounded musician. "A very enlightened approach, which is certainly worth considering for very young pianists. " - European Piano Teacher’s Association Journal. "The goal of my studio is to instill a life-long love of music, and I choose methods that will help me attain that goal. SATP achieves this on several levels. the colorful graphics really appeal to students. the generous use of classical themes makes them feel that they are playing “important music”. the short pieces are easily mastered with 100 percent accuracy within one week. students develop smart practice habits. and above all, students develop a love for music. " - Gail Lew, Clavier Companion.


The Theory And Activity Book reinforces the concepts taught in the Lesson and Technique Book Grade 2A with creative and diverse activities such as writing, playing, ear training, and special "Time to Compose. Reading is reinforced by traditional as well as intervallic reading exercises, and students continue to develop their musicianship by transposing, ear training, playing by ear, and rhythm activities that teach students how to internalize rhythm. Ове активности укључе и мотивисати ученике са заштићеним, педагошки звучног материјала који промовишу даљи развој добро заокружено музичар. "Веома просветљени приступ, што је свакако вредан пажње за веома младих пијаниста. "- Удружење Часопис Европске клавира је. "Циљ мог студија је да усади доживотну љубав према музици, а ја бирам методе које ће помоћи да остваре тај циљ. САТП то постиже на више нивоа. су живописна графика заиста допасти студенте. великодушна употреба античке теме чини да се осећају да они играју "важну музику". кратки комади се лако савладао са тачношћу 100 одсто у року од недељу дана. студенти развијају навике паметне праксе. и изнад свега, студенти развијају љубав према музици. "- Гејл Лев, клавир Цомпанион.
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