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Edwin Lemare. Andantino In Db For Organ. Sheet Music. Organ. ORG. Edwin Lemare.


Едвин Лемаре. Andantino In Db For Organ. Схеет Мусиц. Орган. ОРГ. Едвин Лемаре.


Lemare’s compositions are uneven in quality, but the best are still active in the repertoire. The Andantino – also known as ‘Moonlight and Roses’ – is the best known of his pieces and was requested by audiences at every concert he performed. The work requires thumbing down, so the performing is playing on three manuals at once. Organ virtuoso and composer Edwin Lemare was the world’s highest-paid Organist at the height of his career in the early 1900’s, drawing bravos from ctritics and the crowds who queued around the block to hear this most famous of Organists. After having served as a church Organist for a relatively short period, he began the life of a travelling recitalist, beginning with a hundred-recital tour of the USA and Canada in 1900, a career that continued until the stock market crash of 1929. Lemare was also virtuosic in his ability to transcribe great Orchestral works for the Organ, allowing audiences in those less urban times to hear works played live that they might have heard no other way.


Лемаре композиције су неуједначени у квалитету, али најбоља су још увек активни у репертоару. The Andantino – also known as ‘Moonlight and Roses’ – is the best known of his pieces and was requested by audiences at every concert he performed. The work requires thumbing down, so the performing is playing on three manuals at once. Орган виртуоз и композитор Едвин Лемаре био на свету најплаћенији Органист на врхунцу своје каријере у раним 1900-их, цртање браво из цтритицс и гужве која куеуед око блока да чује ово Најпознатије Органистс. Након што је одслужио као црквени Органист за релативно кратко време, он је почео живот путујуће реситале, почевши са стотину-рецитатора турнеје у САД и Канади у 1900., каријеру која је трајала све до краха берзе 1929. године. Лемаре је такође виртуозним у његовој способности да транскрибују велике Орцхестерверке за оргуље, дозвољавајући публику у тим мање урбаним времена да чујем радови играо уживо да би можда чули никакав други начин.