you We know your motives and were watching you We wouldn't miss you of you were gone Someone would take your place at the beginning of the next song
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of you We know your motives and were watching you We wouldn't miss you of you were gone Someone would take your place at the beginning of the next song
Olympic, rap jave-lon, travel beyond, your weak song Doin' this for too long, to not come strong You're only a pawn of viet dong Tryin' to form against
matter what those morons say Our nation's leaders are a feeble crew There's only twenty of them anyway What is twenty next to millions who Are looking to you? All
t matter what those morons say Our nation's leaders are a feeble crew There's only twenty of them anyway What is twenty next to millions who Are looking to you? All
to the valley of the shadow of death. * Those of us who stand out against the status quo Do so against all odds. We cling so closely together Because
[Overlapped lines from songs in the past] (OVERLAP 1) "I'll battle you on the net, I'll battle you in the flesh I'll battle you over the phone you can
his flock closer to the valley of the shadow of death. * Those of us who stand out against the status quo Do so against all odds. We cling so closely
Olympic, rap jave-lon, travel beyond, your weak song Doin this for too long, to not come strong You're only a pawn of Viet Dong Tryin to form against
Drawing his flock closer to the valley of the shadow of death. * Those of us who stand out against the status quo Do so against all odds. We cling so