fill every hour with activity or ear candy Drop me off at intersections in any city metropolitan And keep me in this state And keep me purgatorying
like you're the sole owner of wings this unrequited tunnel vision and I wonder why I've not been writing don't disturb me in this state please keep me purgatorying
These lyrics are the same as Purgatorying. 1, 2 and 3 are the same as the whole Purgatorying. Except in those parts they are just cut up into pieces.
lifeline Please give my love to my family I'll doubtfully be home at Christmas time don't disturb me in this state please leave me purgatorying I'll
fill every hour with activity or ear candy drop me off at intersections in any city metropolitan and keep me in this state and keep me purgatorying
Превод: Мориссетте, Аланис. Пургаториинг 1.
and fill every hour with activity or ear candy drop me off at intersections in any city metropolitan and keep me in this state and keep me purgatorying