Me involvunt tenebrae cum lux paulatim evanescat. Obrigescunt formae et nox regnum suum celebrat. Anima mae signum cerae occultorum sinu totae claritatis
Превод: Беда. Лекције у мраку.
"The emerald rain shines and falls in vain. Away! Away! Away! Visions of sorrow, doleful shades, unfathomless pain. Rebuke me not in thy anger nor chasten
"We are only pain, Our fighting was vain." Say the evil. Drowning in the sea of lamentations, Sinking in the Abyss of desolation... Orb Within Orb, The
He of the first, if not the first archangel, Great in power, favour and preeminence, He resolv'd with all his legions to dislodge And leave unworshipt
Nominem tuum despicamur, denegamus nostram originem. Spiritus domini atque verba deceptoris preces perdiderunt. At once, he views The dismal scenery
And Hell saw first the Bringer of Light weep. "O myriads of immortal spirits! I should not cry, For who can yet believe, though after loss, That all
"We, the host of Seraphim, the armies of bright, We do not rue the dire event That, with sad overthrow and foul defeat, hath lost us Heaven. Ever to
Abject and lost lay these legions, COvering the flood Under amazement of their hideous change. Lucifer, above the rest, stood like a tower. He calls