Превод: Белетристика Авионом. Било ко.
got a robot that can put on a hat Lucky us even the paupers are fat Look at us This is luxury No one else at the pool There is only me Anyone (3x)
, it can't be right for anyone I blame the cynics and the sun So goodnight. UNFIT I'm just not fit to go on and neither is anyone I've always needed
their sums and inadequacies I feel only anger and bellied hatred for them. How can anyone become so distorted? How can anyone be so far from real human
Just like another speck of dust that's on the highway of life He screams at anyone who'll listen that the end is in sight So then he circles the wagons
. Weighed down with their sums and inadequacies I feel only anger and bellied hatred for them. How can anyone become so distorted? How can anyone be so
Panic, what the fuck did they to do you? with false alarms, with bulletins, and death cards calling out the murder suits? someone, anyone... give the
politicians. Weighed down with their sums and inadequacies I feel only anger and bellied hatred for them. How can anyone become so distorted? How can anyone