've seen it all before I thought it wasn't so The truth will always hurt Even when it's not intended to be that way That way ONE, TWO, BETTY GO!!
Down are the times that I felt like shit I felt so lost That my mind couldn't find its way I know that I'm okay I turned around and locked the door what
way Crazy and precious, I'm from LA The radio says sig alert all throughout the five I'm right behind an ugly Saab with broken lights I put my make-up on while Betty
Saturday You danced the night away away away Getting further every day New Years came And you forgot the date, the date the date Didn't even know your
You're not quite sure what time it was You didn't know quite what you've done All you know is you've got a gun You gotta get out, get out She called
Otra vez me vi Me vi sin parada Cuando vas a llegar? No me dejes sola Nada es facil Que me da? Quien vino a meter la pata? Cuando me fui para alla vi
It isn't easy To continue what we've got here what should we do? It's been years since the first time it started I thought I knew I'm not the same person
running away? You know what I'm talking about They're right suddenly you're left out It's not so easy this time is it? How far do we go? How long must
Listen back on the track Is there something that you know? I've heard this song before a long time ago It once brought back a memory alone Something lost
You've got your priorities Respect and loyalty You've got your job and all your things Your house and company Look around it's what you wanted Look around
When your man has left your side, she's the one you want. Little Sandra has the charm, to take them all. You'll have to learn to be alone, and let him go
as can ... be. in the end, you're like the rest still lost at sea and the storm you fear is only you, so let it be ... and let go of me you're your
No tengo solucion para cambiar la situacion Asi es que pido por favor enfoca otro corazon A otra nacion tu decides porque aqui No hay perdon Si alguna
It's you I wanna hear Nothing more to please my ears Our moments go back in time As I sit here watching TV So please just come home straight to me Tell
me saying Go Back, 'cause your beating heart tells you to, Go Back, 'cause the mystery is killing you, Go Back, maybe you won't have to be alone tonight, tonight, Go
Превод: Састављање. Ц'мон - Иди Бети Иди.
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Превод: Рибља Цорба. Отићи.