Casey?s gone Wasn?t here very long She liked to wag her tail when she got to tag along Now Casey?s gone Casey?s gone Wasn?t here very long Heaven was
In a land the Spanish once had called the Northern Mystery, Where rivers run and disappear the mustang still is free. By the Devil's wash and coyote
Well, them ol' boys in Texas chew copenhagen Wash it all down with that Coors Ain't a bit bashful about speakin' their minds They'll tell you what's
We were having a drink at Stockman's, Listenin' to the guitars ring. Jesse said "You know,they sold the M.C. horses." "I'll be damned.When was that?"
In the land of the long roads High, lonesome prairies Dreamin' of the springtime First crocus in the snow Coffee in a go-cup He's headed for the oil rig
In a land the Spanish once had called the Northern Mystery, Where rivers run and disappear the mustang still is free. By the Devil's wash and coyote hole
Well, them ol' boys in Texas chew copenhagen Wash it all down with that Coors Ain't a bit bashful about speakin' their minds They'll tell you what's theirs
Превод: Тајсон, Иан. Лета Гоне.
Превод: Тајсон, Иан. Кријумчари Цове.
Превод: Тајсон, Иан. Ролл Он Овихее.
Превод: Тајсон, Иан. Изгубили Херд.
Превод: Тајсон, Иан. Легнедс сечења.
Превод: Тајсон, Иан. Прва.
Превод: Тајсон, Иан. Елко Блуз-Роан Маре.
Превод: Тајсон, Иан. Брахмас И Мустангс.
Превод: Тајсон, Иан. Блуе Моунтаинс оф Мекицо.