Taking the sickness. From my thoughts. And the thinking. Out of my head. You can't see through this. Sheet of alcohol. I'm so easy. It makes me sick.
One more bottle cap. off. off. off. What are we doing but running away? To a place that's better, darker, and wetter. Where hearts don't pound. Changing
I don't blame you. You only make the tools for their trade. But if I give you a mirror, Can you tell me what you have really made? Perpetuating circle
Tonight we sat the stars Were gone. Searched for a feeling. So hard to hold on to the things that mean so much. Burned himself for you. Burned for your
Where are you now Promises of forever. The talk of future fable is all I've ever known. Where are you now. You promised forever. The places and names
I've only heard one in a million words. One of a thousand lives that should have never been lost. In easy answers, in liars we trust. There are no victims
So here I am. Again. Alone. The light is broken. Too hard to see the page. I broke it. I broke it. Too tired to read. Too awake to sleep. All the time
Antiquated towards achievement blame liaison the souls of the workers would they not feel the burden of woes had the tyrannous not placed it there
no the starving know nothing of your chances. The trusting have had enough. Last breath of a fading few. Swell the lies to tease the truth. Take this
Wouldn't it be nice if life were more alive. When seeing isn't what believing is.
Old, diseased, and weak forced to break the promise you could never keep. Broken, tired, animal you will never be me. There will be no more always and
This is not a movie. And there it is. Behind the patriotic soundtrack. This is not a movie. And there it is. Behind the patriotic soundtrack. It's the
Eventually you'll overrule their cowardly asses Don't worry about society, they're all horrible bastards" With this knowledge I blast kids. stay dark like Howard's glasses I'm "Stern!" plus I rule
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