re selling snake oil, At the dog and pony show in the garden. Gee, would you pardon me and by the way how does it grow? The explaination's unexplainable
crutch, a cure, a cause. What I've counted on to pick me up has knocked me to my knees. Before I hit the floor once more I'll call it the disease
You would break so easily, so fragile that it frighens me. A harsh sudden reality, a painful possibility. To see it's like the strangest dream to be it
top of sticks. Chip away 'til it goes down, when it goes down apply the kicks. Recently I think I heard it could have been avoided. It shouldn't have
we face it. If we don't, then who will? Shame on us. Let's try to erase it, it's time that we face it. Let's face it, the time is upon us
He sure knew how to get it done. Possessed by an addiction I don't have to comprehend. What about me? Well he whipped me with a gun, he didn't rob me for food. It
The fun never ends and the party never dies. Somebody crossed their path at the worst time to do it. Toes to the temple and he didn't live through it.
Without any training it's pouring, it's raining. Training or a trade. Hey, you bet I'm afraid. Unequipped with a skill but I'm thrilled with the thrill
Royal Oil, come on bubble and boil. Stabs like a dagger, makes you stagger on the hot tin foil. Mind your mind or it will surely spoil, then you sleep
deny it? Just a regular guy who won't even try it. The bug's been around since time began. It's bitten bigger badder bastards than the one I am. It can cripple and it
me wonder if I could. It makes me wonder if I've never had to knock on wood. And I'm glad I haven't yet because I'm sure it isn't good, That's the impression
fiction? And never ceasing to amaze me on a regular basis. First hand in his pocket or first fist into the faces. The last hurrah? Nah! I'd do it again
it, it's time that we face it Let's face it, the time is upon us Let's try to erase it, it's time that we face it If we don't, then who will? Shame on
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