11:28-30 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and
Превод: Јадни Лу. Цоме То Ме.
. I was personally completely taken by it the very first time that I heard the music, and I couldn't wait to write lyrics. The title comes from the song
the middle I'm always sinking I am so far down I can't escape But all around the trees are falling Too much sunshine comes in And so I wait another
verses, to the final line, "now I fall indeed". That's the progression that we all need. Amen. so it seized me so it grieves me grabs me everyday
comes from the Lord, plain and simple. We should cherish it. boom, I fell on the ground was it something sad that made me mad feelings too close to let me
the sound but now i won't shut up insane. what say me? my God, get me free insane. what say me? my God, get me free i stay (though how dumb i be)
record... we just knew that we wanted to cover one of their songs. As we started to work through the parts of the song, it really started to come together
seen this in people who are weak) and if I push the blade in deep will in break inside of me in me, in me, in me... reaching for a star with my eyes