Howdy Ho! The Virgin Mary was sleeping When Angel Gabriel appeared. He said, "you are to be the virgin mother," And Mary thought that was weird. [Mary
Mr. Hankey: Howdy Ho! The Virgin Mary was sleeping when Angel Gabriel appeared, He said, "You are to be the virgin mother" And Mary thought that was weird
Превод: Соутх Парк (кувар помоћ, господин Ханкеи Божић Класици) Соундтрацк. Највише офанзиве песма икада [Кенни Мццормицк Господин Ханкеи] ...
Превод: Соутх Парк: Биггер, Лонгер Унцут (остале стазе) Соундтрацк. Највише офанзиве песма икада [Кенни Мццормицк Господин Ханкеи].