her, tells her he loves her Why didn't I think of that? He says, he loves her and he'll never leave her Why didn't I think of that?
needs her, tells her he loves her, why didn't i think of that? He says he loves her and he'll never leave her, why didn't i think of that?
Превод: Камен, Даг. Зашто нисам сетио.
the fuck was you? Why you think the kids act like that when you come around? They don't fuckin know you Why, cause you was a deadbeat dad, nigga That'
cause I think too much, but each decision's the sure kind If I think that I hurt you, you'll be the one with the sore mind I schedule a beat down and
is up in fact where am I I think I made a little dough and they say I'm fly But am I? Am I? "Yeah" I'm I'm so fly why do I wear this gear Clothes don't
don't want her don't waste her time I'll take her.. I'll take her, I'll take her [BM] If you don't want her don't waste her time.. [BM] If you don't want
, cream I want the money, I want the money, I want the money All that other shit is overrated I want the money Cash [Sample from "Trespass":] "I don